Scaling of Efficient AR K-Shell Emission From Fast Gas-Puff Z-Pinches in the 10 to 100 MA Current Range

Varun Tangri, J. L. Giuliani Voluntary Emeritus Program,Arati Dasgupta,A. L. Velikovich, N. D. Ouart, M.-A. Schaeuble,Jens Schwarz, D. J. Ampleford, Roger Alan Vesey,Brent Manley Jones

international conference on plasma science(2021)

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Results of recent simulations of argon double-shell gas-puff Z-pinch implosions performed at NRL using MACH2-TCRE code are presented. This code was successfully used for modeling argon gas-puff implosions with various load configuration and diagnostic dopant options on Z facility. 1 , 2 The new effort has been focused on performing a large set of high-current (10 MA to 100 MA) simulations spanning a wide circuit parameter space. This was accomplished by increasing the MITL current, varying the voltage profile, mass density, and examining current loss scenarios and uncertainties. Analysis led to the confirmation of I 2 scaling of the efficient K-shell radiation yield previously established by NRL 3 and that it is expected to be valid at high currents. It was further found that controlling circuit losses may lead to a significant improvement in radiation yield. Profiles of radiation power and mass density at stagnation are discussed.
efficient ar K-shell emission,fast gas-puff Z-pinches,argon double-shell gas-puff Z-pinch implosions,MACH2-TCRE code,load configuration,diagnostic dopant options,wide circuit parameter space,efficient K-shell radiation yield,high currents,2D simulation,gas-puff load density profile,NRL scaling model,current 10.0 MA to 100.0 MA,Ar
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