BioSimSpace: An interoperable Python framework for biomolecular simulation

The Journal of Open Source Software(2019)

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Biomolecular simulation is a diverse and growing area of research, making important contributions to structural biology and pharmaceutical research (Huggins et al., 2019).Within the community there are a several significant and widely used software packages that have evolved from within various research groups over the past 20 or more years.For example, the molecular dynamics packages AMBER (Case et al., 2005), GROMACS (Abraham et al., 2015), and NAMD (Phillips et al., 2005), which are all capable of running biomolecular simulations for systems consisting of hundreds of thousands of atoms and can be run on hardware ranging from laptops, to graphics processing units (GPUs), to the latest high-performance computing clusters.Since different software packages were developed independently, interoperability between them is poor.In large part this is the result of major differences in the supported file formats, which makes it difficult to translate the inputs and outputs of one program to another.As a consequence, expertise in one package doesn't immediately apply to another, making it hard to share methodology and knowledge between different research communities, as evidenced, for instance, by a recent study on reproducibility of relative hydration free energies across simulation packages (Loeffler et al., 2018).The issue is compounded by the increasing use of biomolecular simulations as components of larger scientific workflows for bioengineering or computer-aided drug design purposes.A lack of interoperability leads to brittle workflows, poor reproducibility, and lock in to specific software that hinders dissemination of biomolecular simulation methodologies to other communities.
Python,Scientific Computing,Genome-Scale Models,Homology Modeling,Macromolecular Crowding
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