Smart Medical Journal(2020)

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Latar Belakang . Insidensi obesitas yang tinggi akibat diet tinggi lemak serta keadaan hiperglikemia menyebabkan stress oksidatif yang berujung pada infiltrasi sel radang di ginjal dan hiperurisemia. Fitokimia akar kelor bersifat antioksidan dan antidiabetik pada jaringan hepar, pankreas dan ginjal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak akar kelor terhadap kadar asam urat dan infiltrasi sel radang jaringan ginjal tikus putih model diet tinggi lemak dan induksi streptozotocin-nicotinamide. Metode. Penelitian eksperimental laboratorik dengan pretest-postest control group design untuk kadar asam urat dan postest only control group design untuk infiltrasi sel radang jaringan ginjal. Tikus jantan galur Wistar 30 ekor dibagi random menjadi 5 kelompok. K(1) kontrol negatif diberi pakan standard, K(II) diinduksi pakan tinggi lemak dan streptozotocin-nicotinamide, K(III), (IV) dan (V) setelah induksi diberi variasi dosis ekstrak akar kelor 150, 250 dan 350 mg/kgBB selama 28 hari. Kadar asam urat diukur dengan Spektrofotometer kit DiaSys selama empat kali. Analisis hasil dengan one-way ANOVA dan post hoc Tukey HSD test serta repeated ANOVA dilanjutkan pairwise comparison Bonferroni . Persentase infiltrasi sel radang jaringan ginjal dianalisis dengan Kruskal-wallis dan post hoc Man whitney test . Analisis hubungan keduanya menggunakan Spearman. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara semua waktu pengukuran kadar asam urat (p < 0.05, kecuali kelompok K3 antara hari ke-25 dan hari ke-57). Terdapat perbedaan signifikan kadar asam urat setelah pemberian ekstrak akar kelor antar kelompok. Terdapat perbedaan signifikan setelah diberikan ekstrak akar kelor pada persentase infiltrasi sel radang jaringan ginjal glomerulus antara K(I) dengan K(II), K(II) dengan K(V); dan antara K(II) dan K(V) pada jaringan ginjal tubulus. Persentase infiltrasi sel radang jaringan ginjal dan kadar asam urat setelah pemberian ekstrak akar kelor menunjukan hubungan yang bermakna dan berkorelasi positif kuat. Simpulan: Ekstrak akar kelor dengan dosis 150, 250 dan 350mg/kgBB menurunkan kadar asam urat darah, dan dosis 350mg/kgBB mampu menurunkan infiltrasi sel radang jaringan ginjal. Kata Kunci: Ekstrak akar kelor; asam urat; infiltrasi sel radang; pakan tinggi lemak; Streptozotocin-Nicotinamide Background: The high incidence of obesity due to a high-fat diet and hyperglycemia causes oxidative stress which can lead to infiltration of inflammatory cells in the kidneys and hyperuricemia. Phytochemicals of Moringa root are antioxidant and antidiabetic in liver, pancreas and kidney tissue. This study aims to determine the effect of Moringa root extracts on uric acid levels and inflammatory cell infiltration of white rat kidney tissue in high-fat diet models and induction of streptozotocin-nicotinamide . Methods: Laboratory experimental research with pretest-posttest control group design for uric acid levels and posttest only control group design for infiltration of inflammatory cells of kidney tissue. Samples of 30 Wistar strain male rats were randomly divided into 5 groups. K(1) negatie control was given standard feed, K(II) was induced by high-fat feed and streptozotocin-nicotinamide, K(III), (IV) and (V) after induction was given various dosage variations of Moringa root extract 150 mg / kgBW, 250 mg / kg kgBB and 350 mg / kgBB for 28 days. Uric acid levels were measured with a DiaSys kit spectrophotometer four times. The results were analyzed by one-way ANOVA test and post hoc Tukey HSD test and repeated ANOVA test followed by pairwise comparison Bonferroni test. The percentage of inflammatory cells infiltration of kidney tissue was analyzed by the Kruskal-wallis test and the post hoc Man Whitney test. The relationship between the two was tested using the Spearman test Results: There was a significant difference between all time measurements of uric acid levels (p <0.05, except for the K3 group between the 25th day and 57th day). There was a significant difference in uric acid levels after administration of Moringa root extract between groups. There was a significant difference after Moringa root extract was given in the percentage of inflammatory cells infiltration of glomerular kidney tissue between K (I) with K (II), K (II) with K (V); and between K (II) and K (V) in tubular kidney tissue. The percentage of inflammatory cells infiltration of kidney tissue and uric acid levels after administration of Moringa root extract showed a significant relationship and a strong positive correlation. Conclusion: Moringa root extract with a dose of 150 mg / kgBW, 250 mg / kgBW and 350 mg / kgBW significantly reduced uric acid levels, and with a dose of 350 mg / kgBW significantly reduced infiltration of inflammatory cells of kidney tissue. Keywords: Moringa root extract; uric acid; infiltration of inflammation cells; high-fat feed; Streptozotocin-Nicotinamide
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Key words
diet,moringa oleifera,rattus norvegicus,streptozotocin-nicotinamide
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