Propriedades físicas dos solos de uma sub-bacia hidrográfica sob processo de degradação

Carla Deisiane de Oliveira Costa,Marlene Cristina Alves, Antônio de Pádua Sousa,Hélio Ricardo Silva

Revista de Ciências Ambientais(2019)

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Soil degradation in a river basin brings as consequence the erosion, therefore management practices adopted are great importance for soil and water conservation. This study aimed to evaluate the state of degradation the physical properties in different soil use and management of the sub-basin river Dois Corregos. The most representative soils are Red Oxisol and Red Ultisol. The analysis were realized in samples of ten spots in the river sub-basin: three areas with pastures, being two in Argisol and one in Oxisol, three areas with eucalyptus five years and four areas with eucalyptus six months newly transplanted, all in Oxisol. The sub-basin river Dois Corregos presents flat relief in all its extension. The soils are stable in water, as they presented high values of mean weight diameter (MWD) in all uses and management. Soils have low water storage capacity, but good permeability due to the sandy texture. The good conditions of aggregation and permeability are important due to the degree of degradation of the soils of this sub-basin river, with low values of macroporosity, microporosity and total porosity, and high values of soil density, being these above the suitable values for good development of the plants. The degradation process can be identified in the Dois Corregos sub-basin by poor soil physical properties for agricultural use, due to the misuse and soil management.
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