The Emergence of Emotional Intelligence and Self- Regulation in Early Years

Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology(2021)

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Early years are important for the emotional intelligence development and self-regulation of young children because of rapid brain development. Early years are time of pretending, blending fact and fiction and learning to think of world using language. There is specific attainment of mainly three components of emotional intelligence during early years of development such as expression, knowledge and regulation of emotions. They have abilities to express social and self-conscious emotions as well as recognize the emotions of other people. Self-regulation has a foundational role in promoting wellbeing across the lifespan, including physical, emotional, social, and economic health and educational achievement. Early harmonious, stimulated and enriched environment serve as driving force for the development of emotional intelligence and self-regulation skills in young children. The reactions and instructions of parents and teachers to emotions of young children are the main socialization tools that enhance the emotional intelligence and skills of self-regulation in young children.
emotional intelligence,early years,emergence,regulation
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