
Malang Inter Library Loan: How it Becomes a Pioneer of Resource Sharing?

Muhammad Rosyihan Hendrawan,Mukhlis

Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Public and Business Administration (AICoBPA 2020)(2021)

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Malang Interlibrary Loan (MILL). Interlibrary loan has been a staple function within libraries in general and academic libraries, especially. Interlibrary loan began as a small offshoot of the larger development of centralized library services. The acronym of MILL is a form of innovation in the library services of Malang initiated by the Universitas Brawijaya Library. Universitas Brawijaya Library invites a number of academic libraries around Malang to be a partner in terms of interlibrary loan, namely Malang State University Library, Malang State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Library, Malang State Polytechnic Library, and Health Polytechnic Library of the Ministry of Health Malang. The study employed a descriptive-qualitative approach to explore how the MILL are operated in six selected universities in Malang as member of MILL. Three types of data collection techniques were used: interviews, observation, and document analysis. Structured interview was used as the main data collection technique. Findings of the study are presented in four main aspects in the implementation of MILL i.e maximize the use of collections shared by each library so that it can be used by users who need both users from the university itself and outside the university. The stages of cooperation carried out include, identification of the advantages and disadvantages of collections, centralized regional equality, intensive communication, the use of collections together, opportunity, and challenges as main frame of it services. This study is significantly useful for readers and librarian especially in the context of collection development, to know the crucial position of the MILL as medium that frames the resources sharing at universities. Furthermore, MILL has a harmonious integration with the field of scholarly communication, including aspects of dissemination, social networking, and exchange of information sources. Keywords—interlibrary loan, academic libraries, resources sharing, scholarly communication
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