Road Garbage Segmentation With Deep Supervision and High Fusion Network for Cleaning Vehicles

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems(2022)

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An intelligent cleaning vehicle improves the efficiency of road cleaning to a great extent. In this case, road garbage recognition is fundamental and crucial. Usually, the pebbles are too small, and the sand has an inconspicuous boundary and unfixed shape on the roads. These issues make the stones and sand too hard to be detected by a garbage recognition system. Hence, we designed a novel semantic segmentation network that acquires the areas and categories of road garbage. We designed a Deep Supervision and High Fusion (DSHF) block to improve the road garbage segmentation accuracy. The designed block with a backbone network of HFCN and UNet++ is comparable with a model that only has either a deep supervision block or a high fusion block. According to the collected road garbage segmentation dataset comprising four categories (stones, leaves, sand and bottles), the model we designed has improved the metric value of MPA by 3% over the state-of-art methods and achieved the highest MIoU (Mean Intersection over Union) with the value of 77.92%. The results of our experiments show that the semantic segmentation of road garbage is feasible and that the proposed DSHF block is practical for improving the segmentation effect of road garbage.
Semantic segmentation,garbage segmentation,neutral networks,deep learning,intelligent vehicle
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