A Review on Ray Capture According to Fishing Gear Worldwide

Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan(2021)

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Highlight Ray capture worldwide using variety fishing gear. Efficiency of fishing gear used in capture ray species among countries. The maturation size for female and male ray according to species present. Bycatch issues of elasmobranch in small and large scale fisheries. Suitable fishing gear to capture ray species at particular country. Abstract A coral reef is one of the important ecosystems. However coral Gillnets are usually used as a fishing gear by an artisanal fishery in Malaysia. This gear is commonly used by most countries. This paper discussed the rays capture worldwide by using a variety of fishing gear and also bycatch issues that commonly happen. The efficiency of the fishing gear used in capture ray species is compared and discussed among the countries. This paper distinguishes the maturation size for the female and male ray according to the species presence. The bycatch scenario is also discussed as the majority of this elasmobranch (shark and ray) which is caught as bycatch in both small scale fisheries (gill nets, long lines and hooks) and large scale fisheries (bottom trawl and purse seine). This paper explains the suitable type of fishing gear to use to capture ray species in a particular country.
ray capture
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