An Intelligent Application for healthcare Recommendation using Fuzzy Logic

2019 3rd International conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA)(2019)

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The concurrence of a flood of health awareness campaigns, technological advances, the increasing need for accurate information and a stark increase in stress levels across people from all walks of life has served as an impetus for the emergence of numerous health oriented diet applications which serve as a convenient, cost effective and time saving route for the adoption of a healthier lifestyle. Most of the prevalent online diet applications either use well established scientific formulae to generate a discrete output or they are directly affiliated with a professional dietician or nutritionist to help chart out a diet plan for the user, in which case the application is rarely free. The former method, while accurate, does not present much scope for customization whereas the latter method, though personalized, is not a cost-effective option. In both the above alternatives, the application is not intelligent as the generation of successive outputs is completely dependent on the user inputs. This paper proposes a novel fuzzy set approach to generate an intelligent personalised diet plan for the user in accordance with several parameters that would be input by the user. Type-1 Fuzzy Sets and the MinMax method are used for fuzzification purposes. The application generates the optimal calorie range intake based on the user’s profile using Fuzzy Sets.
Fuzzification,Intelligent App,MinMax algorithm,Type-1 fuzzy set
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