Comparison of the Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system and oral tranexamic acid in the treatment of dysfunctional uterine bleeding

Emre Erdoğdu, Necdet Suer

Zeynep Kamil tıp bülteni(2020)

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Materials and Method: 60 patients who were diagnosed with DUB and were treated with either oral tranexamic acid 3gr/day or LNG-IUS were included in the study. Bleeding scores(PBAS), duration of bleeding and haemoglobin values before the therapy were recorded. Patients were evaluated again for the same parameters and possible side effects on the 3rd and 6th months of therapy. Results: Decrease in duration of bleeding on the 3rd and 6th months of therapy were statistically significant in both groups(p<0,05). While there was no statistically significant difference on the decrease in the duration of bleeding on the 3rd month of therapy(p>0,05), the decrease was more significant in the LNG-IUS group than the tranexamic acid group on the 6th month(p<0,05). In the tranexamic acid group, PBAS dropped by 55 % on the 3rd month, and 62% on the 6th month, but these changes were not significantly different from each other(p>0,05). In the LNG-IUS group, PBAS decreased by 87.5 % on the 3rd month, and 90.5% on the 6th month, and these changes were statistically significant(p<0,05). However, the decrease in the amount of bleeding was significantly more in the LNG-IUS group than the tranexamic acid group(p<0,05). While haemoglobin levels increased 5.6% on the 3rd month and 9.4% on the 6th month in the LNG-IUS group, they increased 3.6% on the 3rd month and 4.5% on the 6th month in the tranexamic acid group. In the LNG-IUS group the most common complaint was mastalgia on the 3rd month of therapy(40%, 10 patients), and oligomenorrhea-amenorrhea on the 6th month (43%, 10 patients). After 6 months, 78% of patients continued the treatment, while 2 patients(6.6%) quit the therapy because of the side effects. In the tranexamic acid group, the compliance rate was 63%, and none of the patients had discontinued the therapy due to side effects. Conclusion: Even though LNG-IUD is more effective than tranexamic acid in reducing blood loss in DUB patients, the major change in the menstrual cycle pattern and systemic side effects are the most common reasons for discontinuing therapy. Tranexamic acid reduces blood loss while conserving cycle patterns and fertility, and is better tolerated.
intrauterine system,oral tranexamic acid,levonorgestrel-releasing
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