Evolução das despesas públicas em políticas sociais na região funcional 7 e impactos no IDESE

DRd - Desenvolvimento Regional em debate(2020)

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This article aims to analyze the evolution of public spenditure on social policies and their impacts on the Indice de Desenvolvimento Socioeconomico (IDESE) for the 77 municipalities in Regiao Funcional 7 (RF-7), in Rio Grande do Sul, in the period from 2007 to 2015. The empirical analytical method is used as a reference, working with secondary data obtained from the Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional and the Fundacao de Economia e Estatistica do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Descriptive analyzes are used and, together with respective levels of Pearson's correlation, we estimate regression models in panel data for the set of municipalities in that region. Social policies are understood as the set of State actions with the objective of guaranteeing social protection and promotion to citizens. The focus is on human development, in local-regional spaces. The evidence showed that the Idese of the municipalities increased in most years of the sample; although few municipalities have reached high development (from 0.800 above), the quantity at this level has increased; that investments in social public policies are positively correlated with the development indicator in most municipalities in the region; that the impacts of the investment application were distinct throughout the territory and with statistical significance in a specific group of municipalities. Keywords: Social Public Policies. Idese. Panel Data. Functional Regions. Development.
Social Development
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