Conservative management of hemodynamically stable patient with grade V renal trauma: Case presentation and review of the literature

Hellenic Urology(2020)

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Renal trauma is a major health problem involving mostly young patients. It is estimated that renal trauma is diagnosed in almost 5% of all trauma patients. Patients diagnosed with Grade V renal trauma require surgical intervention and usually nephrectomy. The aim of this study is to present a case of Grade V renal trauma in a hemodynamically stable patient treated conservatively in our department. A 24-year-old male was admitted to the urology department due to Grade V left renal trauma after a motor accident. The patient presented with hematuria and was hemodynamically stable. A conservative approach was performed with close monitoring of hemodynamic status. Two red blood cells units was transfused. The patient remained hemodynamically stable and renal hematoma reduced in size in follow-up computed tomography. The patient was discharged in excellent clinical status after 17 days of hospitalization. Although Grade V renal trauma involving vascular injury requires immediate surgical intervention, in selected patients diagnosed with shattered kidney, a conservative approach may be successful provided that the patient remains hemodynamically stable and under close monitoring. Hemodynamic instability is an absolute indication for surgical exploration and possible nephrectomy.
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renal trauma,stable patient
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