Temporal evolution of the velocity distribution in systems described by the Vlasov equation; Radiation Belts: Analytical and computational results

Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union(2019)

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AbstractAn interesting problem in plasma physics, when approached from the point of view of Statistical Mechanics is to obtain properties of collisionless plasmas, which are described by the Vlasov equation. Through what we call the Ehrenfest procedure, which uses statistical mechanical relations we obtain expectation value relations for arbitrary observables, which allows us to study the dynamics of the Earth's Outer Radiation Belt. Focusing on the velocity fluctuations, the width of the distribution function and the pitch angle, a computer simulation was performed to describe the system in order to compare and test the Ehrenfest approach. Our results show that the change in the average width of the distribution follows the analytical relation. However, for the velocity fluctuation results are not conclusive yet and require more exploration. It remains as future work to verify the relation for the pitch angle.
vlasov equation,radiation belts,velocity distribution
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