Потребление школьниками безалкогольных напитков и их эрозивный потенциал (по данным гравиметрии in vitro)

Б. О. Худанов, Е. Е. Маслах, И. Х. Халилов, К. И. Тураев, Ф. А. Абдурахимова

Стоматология детского возраста и профилактика(2019)

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Relevance. Consumption of non-alcoholic beverages is one of the main causes of dental erosion. Aim. To study consumption frequency of non-alcoholic beverages by schoolchildren and to assess erosive potential of non-alcoholic beverages. Materials and methods. Voluntary and anonymous questioning of 44! schoolchildren was conducted. Erosive influence of 9 different non-alcoholic beverages was studied in vitro on 100 enamel specimens of bovine teeth with the gravimetric method. Ten randomly selected specimens were placed into each beverage and tap water as control liquid for 7 days. Statistics included the calculation of proportions (%), mean and standard deviation (M±6), nonlinear cubic regression correlation coefficient (r) and index of determination (R 2 ), Student criteria (t). Results. Many schoolchildren frequently consumed non-alcoholic beverages: 36.2% - acidic juice, 24.3% - carbonated drinks. The risk of dental erosion in children increased due to habitual drinking without a straw (70.0%) and keeping drinks in their mouths (27.1%). The studied beverages had pH from 2.50 to 4.56. According to gravimetry the highest (14.68%-27.94%) mass loss was in the enamel specimens which were kept in the beverages with pH 2 = 0.4828) was revealed between pH and erosive potentials of the beverages with high probability of errors in prognosis (59.3%). Conclusions. High frequency and the type of non-alcoholic beverages consumption showed the increasing risk of dental erosion development in schoolchildren; the gravimetric method allows to assess the beverages' erosive potential objectively; non-alcoholic beverages with pH<3.5 had the highest erosive potential; however, the relationship between pH and the erosive potential of the beverages was nonlinear.
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