Меры популяционной профилактики, направленные на снижение потребления алкоголя: международный опыт и перспективы усиления мер в Российской Федерации

Cardiovascular Therapy and Prevention(2020)

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Aim . To conduct a review of international studies and guidelines on the implementation of population-based preventive measures aimed at reducing alcohol consumption, and identify measures recommended by the World Health Organization, which have the potential for use in the Russian Federation. Material and methods . We used the following databases: PubMed, Science Citation Index, Scopus, The Campbell Collaboration Library of Systematic Reviews. The review includes systematic and non-systematic studies of measures related to alcohol consumption. The effectiveness of the identified measures was assessed according to the following criteria: behavioral changes (consumption/sales/level); incidence changes; mortality changes. Results . According to international practice of population-based prevention, effective measures that can be implemented in the Russian Federation include reducing the blood alcohol concentration legal driving limit, increasing the minimum legal drinking age, a complete ban on alcohol advertising, and a further increase in excise taxes. Conclusion . In the Russian Federation, significant progress has been achieved in implementing alcohol restriction measures, which has led to a reduction in its consumption and related consequences. Despite this, levels of alcohol consumption remain high and the potential for introducing population-based measures to reduce it has not been exhausted.
alcohol consumption,preventive measures,population-based
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