Application of High-Temperature Raman Spectroscopy (RS) for Studies of Electrochemical Processes in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) and Functional Properties of their Components

ECS transactions(2021)

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Combined technique and setup have been created that combines capabilities of electrochemical methods, as well as high-temperature Raman spectroscopy (RS) at Osipyan Institute of Solid State Physics RAS. In order to study the processes in the electrochemically active zone, a special geometry of samples was developed on basis of optically transparent single crystal membranes of an anionic conductor with a toroidal shape counter-electrode. With the use of this combined technique and special geometry, studies of the kinetics of reduction of nickel in composite SOFC anodes were carried out. The influence of the composition of fuel on Raman spectra obtained from the internal interface in the current load mode was also investigated, and the correlations with the cell voltage were studied. RS is also used to study the structure of single-crystal samples of anionic conductors, including at SOFCs operating temperature. The new combined technique was used to study other components: sealing glasses for SOFCs and optical glasses.
solid oxide fuel cells,raman spectroscopy,fuel cells,electrochemical processes,high-temperature
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