State of the art: Medical laboratories in the health structures of the national police in the north Kivu province

Woolf Kapiteni,Albert Mwembo, Munyanga Sylvain, Mashini Ghislain,Oscar Numbi Luboya

International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies(2021)

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Introduction: The medical laboratory is one of the elements of the quality of care; the prevention and management of infectious and non-infectious pathologies depend on it. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out in the province of North Kivu using a medical laboratory for the health training of the national police; observations and interviews were used to take stock. Results: 4/5 of the national police health facility does not have a laboratory technician, insufficient technical facilities, lack of basic equipment with untimely breakdown of inputs are the characteristics of medical laboratories within police health facilities national. Conclusion: The lack of laboratory and certain basic equipment in the health structures of the national police in North Kivu has a significant impact on the medical care of police officers and their dependents as well as on the profitability of law enforcement officers in their profession.
national police,medical laboratories,province,health structures
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