Nivel de calidad de los procesos de gestión humana en la Universidad Mariana de Pasto.

Katherine Vanessa Ordoñez-Erazo, María Catalina Rodríguez-de los Ríos,Claudia-Carolina Cabrera-Gómez,Juan Pablo Herrera-Santacruz

Aibi revista de investigación, administración e ingeniería(2019)

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The general objective of the research was to determine the level of quality in Human Resources processes, as part of the diagnostic process leading to the implementation of a human competency management model; an identification of the fulfillment of the legal requirements was made, according to ISO 9001, an acknowledgment of the specific requirements which are those established by the University and those implicit requirements which are the perception that workers have about the form in which the human management processes carried out by the University are executed. This research was approached from the quantitative paradigm, with a descriptive analytical empirical approach, using a data collection based on measurement, which has as main objective to provide a complete and detailed description about the quality level of Human Management processes , elaborating a construction of statistical models and figures to explain reality in order to collect measurable and subsequently analysable information. The sample was constituted by a population of 716 workers to whom were applied some instruments elaborated by the researchers; as are surveys of perception about the implicit requirements for workers in the administrative area such as teachers and two checklists to the area of Human Management to verify those legal requirements as specific. As a result, it was found that at the University the legal requirements are at an average quality level, the specific requirements are at a low level of quality, and lastly those implicit requirements have an average quality level. Taking the University in terms of human management processes in general to a low level of quality, which implies that an analysis and improvement of how each of the processes are being used must be carried out
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la universidad,gestión
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