Room temperature 60 mJ Fe:ZnSe MOPA laser system tunable over 3.6-5.2 µm spectral range

Solid State Lasers XXX: Technology and Devices(2021)

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We report on mid-IR Fe:ZnSe master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) laser system operating at room temperature (RT) pumped by a radiation of mechanically Q-switched Er:YAG laser operating at 2.94 m, at 3Hz repetition rate. The maximum output energy was as high as 250mJ in ~250 ns pulses. The RT gain-switched Fe:ZnSe master oscillator demonstrated tunability over 3.60-5.15 µm spectral range with a maximum output energy of ~3 mJ. The output energies of 12 (8), 34 (25) and 60 (48) mJ were demonstrated at 4.4 (4.1) µm in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd stages of amplifier, respectively, with a total pump energy of 200 mJ.
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feznse mopa laser system,mj feznse
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