How to plan and perform E-learning in family medicine vocational training lessons learned in the KWBW-verbundweiterbildungplus

Zeitschrift für Allgemeinmedizin(2021)

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As of the start of the COVID-19-pandemic, basis undergraduate, postgraduate as well as continuous medical education had often been switched to e-learning. This is a chance and a challenge at the same time. In this work, we describe the e-learning experiences of the competence center for postgraduate medical education in Baden-Wurttemberg. We aim to support broad implementation of e-learning by the exchange of educational as well as organizational approaches. In March 2020, we planned synchronic (live) webinars with asynchronic preparation and postprocessing (flipped classroom). We focused on elements to improve interaction. All the process was managed with respect to the program curriculum in a multicentered team. In 2020, n = 263 postgraduate trainees in family medicine (FM trainees) participated in n = 12 online single seminar days of the KWBW Verbundweiterbildungplus. Due to multiple participation, they induced n = 379 participations. N = 353 evaluations could be included (93,1 % response rate). 77 % (n = 182/236) assessed the use of the software Zoom® with satisfying or very satisfying, 75 % (n = 122/163) the use of the software Heiconf® with satisfying or very satisfying. 59 % (n = 208) wanted to continue with seminar days during workdays, whereas 26 % (n = 91) wished for trainings on Saturdays. A technical check was rated as very helpful. From the organizational point of view, an additional lecturer (= moderator) was necessary. Some lecturers needed extra support in advance of the e-learning. We provide didactic elements that can help to improve the interaction between participants which have to be planned ahead. We present a successful approach to face the educational and organizational challenges of e-learning. E-learning was broadly accepted which supports permanent implementation. However, social and collegial interaction is both, most challenging and most important for postgraduate training in family medicine. Therefore, approaches supporting the interaction in e-learning should be developed and implemented. © 2021, Deutscher Arzte-Verlag GmbH. All rights reserved.
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Key words
vocational training lessons,family medicine,e-learning,kwbw-verbundweiterbildungplus
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