Economic assessment of anti-stress therapy in the production of meat in poultry farming

Nina Zhuravel,Alevtin Miftakhutdinov, Vitaliy Zhuravel

BIO Web of Conferences(2021)

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The paper presents the results of the effectiveness of anti-stress therapy and its economic assessment when growing broiler chickens in a poultry farming against the background of the use of a stress-protector antioxidant-complex (SPAO-complex) in broiler chickens. The pharmacological complex was used in the form of a drink at a dose of 185 mg/kg of live weight for 5 days during periods of the greatest influence of stress factors, namely at the stage of vaccination associated with the greatest immunological load (at 10-14 days of age) and (or) at the stage of final fattening. The effectiveness of antistress therapy was assessed by the morphological parameters of poultry blood, leukocyte indices, the yield of poultry meat and the quality of carcasses. The economic efficiency was assessed by the ratio of the economic effect and veterinary costs. A relative decrease in the total level of leukocytes and a change in leukocytes of different types was found: a decrease in agranulocytes and an increase in agranulocytes, a decrease in the value of the Krebs index, the leukocyte index of intoxication, an increase in the lymphocyte index, the ratio of agranulocytes and granulocytes and lymphocyte-granulocyte index. The use of the SPAO-complex in broiler chickens in the form of a drink at a dose of 185 mg/kg of live weight for 5 days due to the growth rate and an increase in live weight helped to reduce the impact of stress factors and led to an increase in meat yield by 2.34-4.92% and a decrease in injuries before slaughter, which was reflected in a decrease in the level of carcass defect from 20-40%. It influenced the value of the economic effect which amounted to 70.08-145.2 rubles. The value of veterinary costs for different anti-stress therapy regimens ranged from 9.35 to 101.32 rubles. The economic efficiency of using the SPAO-complex at a dose of 185 mg/kg of live weight per day for 5 days per one ruble of costs during the period of intensive vaccination was 16.7 rubles, during the period of final fattening it was 0.81 rubles and during periods of intensive vaccination and final fattening it was 1.52 rubles.
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