Development of digital engineering learning with proteus software media and emulators department of informatics engineering Kanjuruhan University

S Syahminan,C W Hidayat

Journal of Physics: Conference Series(2021)

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Proteus professional is a group of electronic software used to assist designers in designing and simulating a circuit electronically. This software has two functions at the same time in one package, one package as software for drawing automatic schematics and can be simulated which is named ISIS. The second package is used to design the Printed Circuits Board (PCB) image which is named ARES. Directly, the conversion from schematic to PCB can be done in this Professional Proteus software. Prof. ISIS Proteus has always friendly versions, starting from version 7.0 to 8. Each version increase with the addition of library components that can be taken and used in drawing or designing. As an electronic frame designer, he first used ISIS as a medium that made it easier to play and simulate. A large number of libraries of the Proteus Professional ISIS on ISIS software is said to be a complete simulation software, namely from active components, Analog, Transistor, SCR, FET, types of buttons, types of switches/relays, digital ICs, amplifier ICs, programmable ICs (microcontroller) and IC memory. Apart from being supported by complete components, it is also supported by the completeness of measuring instruments such as voltmeters, ampere meters, oscilloscopes, signal analyzers, and frequency generators. The completeness of the features provided makes Proteus Professional ISIS into an electronic simulation software Emulator writer is a service text media for writing programs, especially using digital number codes, and can be collaborated with proteus, which is a window form media designed by the author to make it easier for beginners who want to learn about microcontroller programming, can be used to write programming/coding with code Binary and Hexa numbers are made in Indonesian with the aim that beginners who are just starting to learn about digital-based programming if there are errors in writing, instructions, or writing procedures, it will be shown in an Indonesian warning.
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digital engineering learning,informatics engineering kanjuruhan university,proteus software media,emulators department
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