Using Current Events to Teach Written, Visual, and Oral Science Communication


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Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) professionals need the skills to communicate with both technical and public audiences, but formal training in these skills is often lacking. In the nine-hour unit presented here, students learn to recognize the value of science communication, explore the process of distilling and translating scientific information for general audiences, and produce written, visual, and auditory science communication products in a collaborative setting. Undergraduate education is an ideal time to set the foundation for best practices in science communication, because as students move through their undergraduate careers, they become subject matter experts in scientific topics that are pertinent to many aspects of daily life. In this unit, students use locally-relevant current events as a focal point for exploring the significance and techniques of effective science communication. Further, students explore connections between their backgrounds and current scientific developments, explore and share their interests and experiences in STEM, articulate their educational goals, and advocate for themselves. By the end of the unit, students will produce three science communication products (written, visual, and auditory) on a locally-relevant event of their choosing. This unit provides students with an opportunity to practice science communication and engage in self-reflection on the influence of science on their daily lives and their interests and goals as young scientists. Primary image: Science communication in Anchorage, Alaska. Photo credit: K.C. Kelsey. This image is not copyrighted.
Student Learning,Education
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