mafba and mafbb differentially regulate lymphatic endothelial cell migration in topographically distinct manners.

Cell reports(2022)

Cited 5|Views12
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Lymphangiogenesis, formation of lymphatic vessels from pre-existing vessels, is a dynamic process that requires cell migration. Regardless of location, migrating lymphatic endothelial cell (LEC) progenitors probe their surroundings to form the lymphatic network. Lymphatic-development regulation requires the transcription factor MAFB in different species. Zebrafish Mafba, expressed in LEC progenitors, is essential for their migration in the trunk. However, the transcriptional mechanism that orchestrates LEC migration in different lymphatic endothelial beds remains elusive. Here, we uncover topographically different requirements of the two paralogs, Mafba and Mafbb, for LEC migration. Both mafba and mafbb are necessary for facial lymphatic development, but mafbb is dispensable for trunk lymphatic development. On the molecular level, we demonstrate a regulatory network where Vegfc-Vegfd-SoxF-Mafba-Mafbb is essential in facial lymphangiogenesis. We identify that mafba and mafbb tune the directionality of LEC migration and vessel morphogenesis that is ultimately necessary for lymphatic function.
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