Sex ratio, age group and length at first maturity of mackerel scad (Decapterus macarellus Cuvier, 1833) in the Southern waters of Ambon, Eastern Indonesia

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science(2021)

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The existence of mackerel scad in Ambon waters, Moluccas Indonesia has decreased from year to year mainly due to the over exploitation. This research aimed to study the biological aspects, in particular were sex ratio, age group and length at first maturity of mackerel scad (Decapterus macarellus) from this area. Sampling was done on September 2016 to July 2017 at the southern waters of Ambon Island. Samples collected were dissected to determine their sex and their gonad maturity level then measured. Bhattacharya method was used to determine age group while Spearman- Kaber method was used to identify length at the first maturity of this species. It was found that mackerel scad in the southern waters of Ambon Island had an equal number of male and female that consists of four age groups with length at first maturity for male and female were 24.9 cm and 24.8 cm, respectively.
mackerel scad,southern waters,decapterus,eastern indonesia
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