Identification of Factors Affecting Electronic Participation: a Literature Review

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering(2021)

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This study aims to conduct a systematic review of technology aadption factors of electronic participation applicaton in Indonesia. Application of LAPOR as Online People's Aspirations and Complaints Service has been developed to fulfill the public demands to actively participate in the formulation of government policies. However, there is limited understanding about technology acceptance regarding to users' behaviour especially in Indonesia. The method used is a systematic review with the PRISMA approach, consisting of five stages, namely defining eligibility criteria; define the source of information; literature selection; data collection and item selection with synthesis techniques. The results showed that there were 40 constructs of technology adoption of LAPOR application. The implication of this research is that government institutions could better understand what important factors that influence the adoption of technology.
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electronic participation,literature review
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