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O discurso memorialistico em bazar paraná, de luis s. krausz

Revista Prâksis(2021)

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O ato de rememorar pode ser doloroso, pois possibilita, muitas vezes, o reencontro com a dor, a perda o abandono. Objetos guardados e cuidados asseguram alguma permanencia do passado diante dos olhos que o procuram, despertando sentimentos de toda ordem. A Literatura, paralelamente a Historia, dedica-se tambem a recuperacao da memoria, engendrando, dessa forma, reflexoes sobre o passado. Nessa perspectiva, este artigo analisa discurso memorialistico no romance Bazar Parana, de Luis S. Krausz, compreendendo a arte como procedimento, que busca no leitor um coautor na aventura leitora, pois ele deve desvendar o labirinto dialogico proposto na narrativa. Sem propriamente narrar os eventos historicos do passado, a obra centra-se na acao destes sobre as personagens, sobre sua subjetividade. Assim, a historia se inscreve no texto literario a partir das observacoes do narrador quando crianca, analisadas, em grandes golfadas de reflexao, por ele quando adulto. Reflexoes entremeadas por inumeras referencias intertextuais, que revelam um narrador que tambem e um grande leitor.Palavras-chave: Bazar Parana. Intertextualidade. Mimese.ABSTRACTThe act of remembering can be painful, as it often makes it possible to rediscover pain, loss and abandonment. Objects kept and cared for ensure some permanence of the past before the eyes that seek it, awakening feelings of all kinds. Literature, in addition to history, is also dedicated to the recovery of memory, thus generating reflections on the past. In this perspective, this article analyzes memorialistic discourse in the novel Bazar Parana, by Luis S. Krausz, understanding art as a procedure, which seeks in the reader a co-author in the reading adventure, as he must unveil the dialogical labyrinth proposed in the narrative. Without properly narrating the historical events of the past, the work focuses on the latter's action on the characters, on their subjectivity. Thus, the story is inscribed in the literary text based on the narrator's observations as a child, analyzed, in great reflection, by him as an adult. Reflections interspersed with countless intertextual references, which reveal a narrator who is also a great reader.Keywords: Bazar Parana. Intertextuality. Mimesis.
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