Severe osteoporosis treatment: anabolic therapy options

Rossiiskii zhurnal geriatricheskoi meditsiny(2021)

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The world's population is aging rapidly, with increasing prevalence of many chronic diseases that are more common in older people. Osteopenia and osteoporosis are two chronic conditions often diagnosed in frail older patients, and both seem to be a significant public health burden. In Russia, osteoporosis (in accordance with the criteria of the World Health Organization) was detected in 33.8% of women and 26.9% of men aged 50 and over. Every minute in the country, 7 vertebral fractures happen, and every 5 minutes — a fracture of the proximal femur occurs. According to the latest data, about 34 million people in Russia are at high risk of developing low-energy fractures. The use of anabolic therapy in older patients with severe osteoporosis can achieve optimal results in the accumulation of bone mineral density and significantly reduce the risk of repeated low-energy fractures.
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severe osteoporosis treatment,therapy
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