An Efficient Blockchain Based Authentication Scheme to Secure Fog Enabled IoT Devices

2020 Indo – Taiwan 2nd International Conference on Computing, Analytics and Networks (Indo-Taiwan ICAN)(2020)

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IoT Devices have revolutionized how people interact with each other and their surroundings, with Gartner predicting 50 billion devices by 2020. IoT devices emerging from WSN to RFIDs are capable of sensing, actuating and sharing data but are resource-constrained devices meaning these devices have limited memory, storage, and computation power. Thus, IoT devices are incapable of securing themselves from various security and privacy threats. Moreover, current Cloud-IoT architectures are centralized; managed and controlled by Trusted Third parties also individuals have no control over their data. Fog-IoT integration has better latency, response time and is much secure compared to Cloud-IoT integration. Recently, Blockchain emerged as a decentralized, highly trusted and tamper-proof technology. In this paper, we proposed a blockchain-based scheme for secure User authentication access to Fog enabled IoT devices. The proposed scheme utilizes the Ethereum Smart Contract. We developed our smart contract using Solidity language with Remix-IDE and tested its functionalities on two test networks Test RPC (Ganache) and Rinkeby Test Network. We also analyzed security vulnerabilities of our smart contract on the ChainSecurity analyzing tool.
Smart Contract,Authentication,Security,Internet of Things,Ethereum Blockchain
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