Stakeholder perceptions of strategies to reduce fast food consumption in Cambodian adults


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Background: Fast food consumption is one of the major contributing factors effecting overweightness and obesity, leading to many non-communicable diseases. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine strategies for reducing the fast-food consumption of Cambodian adults.  Methods: This qualitative study was conducted among adults in Phnom Penh city, Cambodia, in 2018. 10 stakeholders were included from different institutions in Cambodia, mostly health institutions. The tools used in this study were a multidisciplinary meeting with stakeholders and the completion of observation forms. Using a semi-structured questionnaire, data were collected, and a thematic analysis was used. Results: Stakeholders’ viewpoints followed three identifiable themes with regard to approaches to reduce fast-food consumption among Cambodian adults. These comprised: (1) health education and health promotion (focusing on educational institutions), (2) reducing the availability and marketing impact of fast-food, and (3) implementing government policy. Conclusions: Knowing the important contributors to reduce the consumption of the fast food among Cambodia adults was the first priorities for all policy makers and other stakeholders to take action. This study provided essential findings for improving the decision-making abilities of those preparing strategy and policy for reducing fast-food consumption.
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