Rethinking the place of students intermediated by the Geographic, Historical and Cultural School Atlas of the Federal District, Brazil

Proc. Int. Cartogr. Assoc.(2019)

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Abstract. Basic Education teachers in Brazil face difficulties inherent in working with the geographical categories: Landscape, territory, region and place. These difficulties are related to the training of teachers who do not understand these categories and the lack of appropriate didactic material. absence of local thematic maps prevents the understanding of the place as a living space and as a correlation of stories in the different scenarios of the city The study of the place as a proposal for the continuing education of teachers of Basic Education from the School is a project that allows teachers and students of the DF to approach these categories. project is divided into two stages. first stage was the preparation of the Geographic, Historical and Cultural School Atlas of the Federal District (AEGHC DF), completed in 2018. second stage will be the training course for Basic Education teachers with exercises that involve the place category as a daily space that allows the construction of identities. purpose of this article is to investigate the use of the AEGHC DF as an important mediator in the construction of spatial categories such as place and landscape in Geography classes. Atlas is presented as a teaching methodology and strategy in the development of cartographic skills in the development of spatial reasoning. AEGHC DF invites students and teachers to know more about maps, visualizing spaces, creating narratives and getting to know the place where they live.
cultural school atlas,students,geographic,brazil
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