Efeitos da música em pacientes com câncer em tratamento quimioterápico

Igor Luis Silva Miranda, Filipe Dalboni Polito da Silva,Geovani Santos da Silva, Léo Pedro Rufino, Lucas Morais Batista, Edilaine Assunção Caetano de Loyola

Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde(2021)

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Objective: Identify the available evidences on literature about the effects of music in patients with cancer who are in chemotherapy treatment. Methods: Integrative literature review, based on theoretical framework of Evidence-Based Practice, using as guiding question: what is the theme of the publications about the music effects in patients who are suffering from chemotherapy treatment? The databases accessed was: Virtual Health Library (BVS), Medicine National Institutes of Health (PUBMED) and Cochrane Library (COCHRANE) with the controlled descriptors “music”, “neoplasm”, “drug treatment”, “music therapy”, “anxiety. Results: Have been identified 142 articles in the period between 2015 and 2020. After reading the titles and abstracts, in the first step, excluding articles that did not framed to the theme and, in the second step, after reading the full articles and applying the selection criteria, other publications were excluded because they were not related to the proposed study objective. Thus, 15 articles represented the study’s sample. Those articles were centred in the perspective of reduction of the effects caused by chemotherapy treatment, promoting a better physical and mental health of these patients. Conclusion: The music acts softening the behavioral changes suffered by the patients due to treatment, ensuring to these individuals better perspectives in the oncology treatment.
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