Biotecnología en Plinia sp: necesidades y perspectivas para un grupo desatendido de especies frutales

Biotecnología Vegetal(2021)

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Plinia species comprise a group of underrated fruit trees native to the South and Central American neotropics. Their fruits have high potential as a nutraceutical food and to the medicinal industry. However, among the 80 accepted species, less than a dozen are cultivated. In this review, the state-of-the-art of the genetic diversity and the techniques of vegetative propagation of Plinia spp. was updated. Therewith, it is intended to encourage further studies for genetically disentangle the taxonomic classification the species, and the development of propagation protocols towards the establishment of commercial plantations. Establishing commercial orchards of Plinia species may open new markets for this fruit crop, but the absence of breeding programs and superior quality seedlings hinder such endeavors. The main outcomes of this study are the need of using molecular approaches for solving the taxonomic uncertainties among Plinia species and micropropagation protocols to overcome the difficulties concerning to the vegetative propagation of this species.
especies frutales
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