Efectos adversos de las sustancias modelantes en Cali, Colombia


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Introduction: The desire to improve one’s physical appearance through simple and economical methods has resulted in the indiscriminate application of modeling substances. As a result, iatrogenic allogenosis has emerged as an increasingly prevalent disease in Latin America. Objective: To describe the epidemiological characteristics and adverse effects arising from the use of modeling substances in a group of patients from Cali, Colombia. Materials and methods: We conducted a retrospective review of the medical records of patients who consulted for complications arising from the use of modeling substances during a six-year period. Results: A total of 1,322 patients were included of whom 95.5% were women. Patients’ ages ranged from 19 to 83 years, with an average of 39 years. The most infiltrated anatomical site showing adverse effects due to modeling substances was the buttocks. The asymmetry and increased volume of the infiltrated site were the most common signs while pain, mood disturbances, and depression or anxiety were the most commonly perceived symptoms. A total of 41.8% of patients ignored what substances they had received, and 28.5% received biopolymers; these procedures were mostly performed by non-qualified personnel. Conclusions: The care of these patients requires multidisciplinary teams to establish treatment alternatives to improve their quality of life. In addition, the regulation of establishments, as well as the surveillance, inspection, and control of the imports and use of these substances should be warranted.
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biopolímeros,efectos adversos,enfermedad iatrogénica,contraindicaciones de los procedimientos,estética,procedimientos quirúrgicos reconstructivos
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