Occurrences and AntibiogramPattern of Listeria monocytogenes in Vegetables Sold withinSokotoMetropolis, Nigeria

Journal of Advances in Microbiology(2021)

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Listeriosisranks third in mortality among food-borne bacterial pathogens. The evaluation of antibiogram of Listeria monocytogenes in 5 different areas within Sokoto metropolis was performed in the study. A total of 50 (fifty) samples from cabbage, spring onion, tomatoes, lettuce, and salad samples were obtained from different locations within the metropolis. The isolation was performed using Listeria selective media base incorporated with Listeria selective Supplement. Identification and confirmation of Listeria and other bacteria were performed using biochemical characterization. Antibacterial sensitivity test was performed using 8 (eight) different antibiotics namely Norfloxacin, Ceftazaime, Cefuroxine, Erythromycin, Ofloxacin, Augmentin, Cloxillicin and Gentamycin. Result of the studies demonstrated that Listeria monocytogeneswas present in all the vegetables sold within the selected areas of Sokoto metropolis. Listeria monocytogenes was resistant to 6 of the 8 antibiotics used, these are Norflaxcin, Augmentin, Cefuroxine, Ceftazaime, Gentamycin and Cloxicillin. In conclusion, Listeria monocytogenes is present in vegetable sold within the selected areas of study. Listeria monocytogenes were resistant to multiple antibiotics commonly administered during listeriosis management. The implication of multi-drug resistance is that Listeriosis will be problematic to treat. The implications of these findings are herein discussed.
listeria monocytogenes,antibiogrampattern,vegetables sold withinsokotometropolis,nigeria
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