Research of a bi-directional DC-DC converter integrated in electric car power installation

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering(2020)

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This article presents the results of the simulation study of the bi-directional DC converter, including the time diagrams of the electric vehicle speed, voltage and current changes in various experiments, Also presented are the results of efficiency change and charge level, when using a bi-directional converter as well as without using it. The HFEDC (Highway Fuel Economy Driving Schedule) model was chosen for the simulation of the electric vehicle drive model using units simulating standardized driving cycles and as an algorithm for changing the vehicle's control signal. Studies of the operating modes of the electrical equipment and the electric vehicle with the DC voltage conversion device in the power circuit of the DC source have been carried out by computer simulation in specialized programs for the study of dynamic systems. The simulation model of the reversible DC converter in the electrical power equipment of an electric vehicle was constructed on the basis of mathematical models of the individual elements reflecting their real physical properties. The present solution is the use of two-way DC voltage converters in the power conversion systems of modern electric drives, including the electric propulsion systems of prospective vehicles improves the efficiency of these systems.
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