A Comparative Economic Analysis of Tulsi and Other Competitive Crops in Central Part of India

Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics and Sociology(2021)

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The study has been conducted in Ratlam, Mandsaur and Neemuch districts in Malwa Plateau location of Madhya Pradesh. The researcher has been selected Tulsi crop on the premise of most regions included by it. From the selected districts, 6 blocks 30 villages (and forty five pattern farmers were decided on randomly for detail investigation. For estimation value and returns, fee ideas Cost Concepts and B.C. Ratio had been considered. The cost of cultivation becomes estimated to be Rs. 40811.31, Rs. 21892.Eleven and Rs. 34445.04 for Tulsi, Soybean and Maize respectively. Regarding fee of manufacturing, it became Rs. 4739, Rs. 1360 and Rs. 956 beneath Tulsi, Soybean and Maize crop respectively. The statistics discovered that the net income turned into expected to be Rs. 40720, Rs. 21325 and Rs. 14963 for Tulsi, soybean and Maize crop respectively. It clear cut indicates that 37 to fifty two percentage greater profits benefit from Tulsi crop than the soybean and maize crop by way of the sample farmers. As a ways as the B.C. Ratio became worried it was envisioned to be 1:1.99, 1:1.97 and 1:1.43 for Tulsi, soybean, and maize crop respectively, which shows that the Tulsi crop changed into greater profitable than their competitive plants.
other competitive crops,tulsi,comparative economic analysis,economic analysis
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