Optimal choice of stone disease’ surgical treatment in patients suffered prostate cancer: retrospective analysis

N. I. Sorokin, A. M. Pshikhachev, M. B. Zhumataev, K. V. Mikheev, G. N. Akopyan, E. V. Shpot,A. V. Kadrev, V. K. Dzitiev, D. M. Kamalov, M. E. Chalyy, A. A. Kamalov

Surgical Practice(2021)

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There are patients suffered prostate cancer and diagnosed with stone disease in urological centres. These cases represent non-standard issue of choosing the optimal surgical treatment. Currently clinical recommendations haven’t described the particular answer for this answer yet. There is also lack of information published in literature foсused on the issue.Aim of the study was to determine the optimal choice of surgical treatment for patients diagnosed with stone disease and prostate cancer.Materials and methods: Retrospective study of patients diagnosed with prostate cancer and stone disease for the period from 2006 to 2019 was performed. Among 2047 in-patient cases of prostate cancer 71 patients with stone disease were included.Results: 49 of 71 (69%) patients diagnosed with stone disease had indications for surgical treatment at the moment of hospitalisation. Stages of prostate cancer in this group were T1-T2 (91,7%) and T3(8,3%). 25 patients (51%) had kidney stone disease, 23 patients (47%) – ureter stone disease and only 1 patient – kidney and ureter stone disease. 37 patients (75%) presented complains related to stone disease, other cases (25%) were asymptomatic. Surgical treatment of stone disease primarily was performed in the majority of cases (72,2%). Surgical treatment of prostate cancer subsequently included radical prostatectomy in most cases 7 (86,1%). Simultaneous surgical treatment of both diseases haven’t performed in this study.Conclusion: The main factors influencing the decision making of optimal surgical treatment for this group of patients were clinical presentation and group of prostate cancer risk.
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