Huertos frutales agroecológicos y prevención de zoonosis como alternativa para la seguridad alimentaria

Paula Alayón Luaces, Andrea Benítez, Amabelia Montes de Oca, José E. Gaiad,Melanie Desirée Gómez Herrera,Nicolás Hitoshi Sugita


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The project was carried out in San Martin, Chaco, along with families associated with secondary and tertiary levels from EFA (Family Agricultural School) 141 Fortaleza Campesina and the whole community. Teachers and students from three academic units (FCA and FCV UNNE and EFA 141 Fortaleza Campesina) participated and representatives from INCUPO and General San Martin Town Hall cooperated with them. The project sought food safety for the community and cost-effective use of production. Profitable programming was carried out integrating expertise as regards: fruit varieties management, pets and domestic animals sanitation able to reach the productive system and awareness of local fruit nutritional benefits. Fruit plant nurseries were installed, not only for direct use but also for strengthening ties between families through the exchange of propagation material and seeds. Several events were held such as: theory and practice training sessions, cooperative installation of orchards and nurseries, participation at fairs, prevention and awareness of zoonoses and nutritional understanding. The development of this project offered families, small producers and San Martin Chaco community practical and valuable aspects of fruit orchards to strengthen their food security. Furthermore, to our University community, it was a contribution of experiences in interdisciplinary groups that enhances the extensionist professional work with social sensitivity among students.
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