La polmonite acquisita in comunità: Riflessioni per una semplificazione (anche) sulla durata della terapia

Medico e bambino(2021)

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Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is one of the most common serious infections in children. The appropriate duration of antimicrobial therapy is unclear. In current practice antibiotic treatment courses of 10 days are prescribed in mild-moderate CAP, while up to 14-21-day courses in severe and complicated cases. The results of the SAFER (Short-Course Antimicrobial Therapy for Paediatric Respiratory Infections) study found that the “short therapy” appeared to be comparable to standard care for the treatment of previously healthy children with CAP not requiring hospitalization. Clinical practice guidelines should recommend 5 days of amoxicillin for paediatric pneumonia management in accordance with antimicrobial stewardship principles.
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la polmonite acquisita,comunità
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