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Reconstruction and measurement of (100) MeV energy electromagnetic activity from π0 arrow γγ decays in the MicroBooNE LArTPC

Journal of Instrumentation(2020)

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Author(s): Adams, C; Alrashed, M; An, R; Anthony, J; Asaadi, J; Ashkenazi, A; Balasubramanian, S; Baller, B; Barnes, C; Barr, G; Basque, V; Bass, M; Bay, F; Berkman, S; Bhanderi, A; Bhat, A; Bishai, M; Blake, A; Bolton, T; Camilleri, L; Caratelli, D; Terrazas, IC; Carr, R; Fernandez, RC; Cavanna, F; Cerati, G; Chen, Y; Church, E; Cianci, D; Cohen, EO; Conrad, JM; Convery, M; Cooper-Troendle, L; Crespo-Anadon, JI; Tutto, MD; Devitt, D; Diaz, A; Domine, L; Duffy, K; Dytman, S; Eberly, B; Ereditato, A; Sanchez, LE; Esquivel, J; Evans, JJ; Fitzpatrick, RS; Fleming, BT; Foppiani, N; Franco, D; Furmanski, AP; Garcia-Gamez, D; Gardiner, S; Genty, V; Goeldi, D; Gollapinni, S; Goodwin, O; Gramellini, E; Green, P; Greenlee, H; Grosso, R; Gu, L; Gu, W; Guenette, R; Guzowski, P; Hamilton, P; Hen, O; Hill, C; Horton-Smith, GA; Hourlier, A; Huang, EC; Itay, R; James, C; De Vries, JJ; Ji, X; Jiang, L; Jo, JH; Johnson, RA; Joshi, J; Jwa, YJ; Karagiorgi, G; Ketchum, W; Kirby, B; Kirby, M; Kobilarcik, T; Kreslo, I | Abstract: We present results on the reconstruction of electromagnetic (EM) activity from photons produced in charged current νμ interactions with final state π0s. We employ a fully-automated reconstruction chain capable of identifying EM showers of (100) MeV energy, relying on a combination of traditional reconstruction techniques together with novel machine-learning approaches. These studies demonstrate good energy resolution, and good agreement between data and simulation, relying on the reconstructed invariant π0 mass and other photon distributions for validation. The reconstruction techniques developed are applied to a selection of νμ + Ar → μ + π0 + X candidate events to demonstrate the potential for calorimetric separation of photons from electrons and reconstruction of π0 kinematics.
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