Use of rock powder associated with bovine manure in latossolo vermelho cultivated with wheat

Lenir Fátima Gotz,Alfredo Castamann,Felipe Piovesan, Bruna Leticia Anzolin, Talissa Herek, Willian Miguel Mikoanski,Yohanne Larissa Rita

Revista Brasileira de Agropecuária Sustentável(2019)

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The use of rock powders as a source of nutrients aim costs reduction and environmental problems associated with soluble sources. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the use potential of different rock powder doses, associated or not to bovine manure, after two applications in approximately one year, as a source of nutrients for wheat and its effect on soil chemical attributes. The sources were applied, without incorporation, in two successive crops, at the rates of 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 Mg ha -1 of rock powder, isolated or associated to 17 Mg ha -1 and 28 Mg ha -1 of bovine manure, on first and second applications, respectively. The experiment was carried out in completely randomized blocks, in a 2×5 (bovine manure × rock powder doses) factorial arrangement with three replicates. The use of bovine manure resulted in increments in the following variables: plant height, number of spikelets per spike, number of grain per spike, grain yield, mass of one thousand grains and soil phosphorus and calcium (Ca 2+ ) contents. The association of rock powder, at doses of 3 and 6 Mg ha -1 , and bovine manure promoted reduction of soil potential acidity (0.58 to 1.54 cmol c dm -3 ) and increase soil Mg 2+ content (0.34 at 0.9 cmol c dm -3 ). The application of rock powder doses does not improve wheat yield and soil chemical attributes after two applications in approximately one year. In contrast, the application of bovine manure, independently of the rock powder dose, results in improvements in these variables.
latossolo vermelho,bovine manure,rock powder associated,wheat
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