Influência da fisioterapia na qualidade de vida de mulheres com incontinência urinária por esforço

Revista Científica do UBM(2019)

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Introduction: Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) accounts for 60% of cases of incontinence and is characterized by loss of urine during some physical effort. Objectives: To verify the effects of biofeedback, elastic functional banding (EFB), and the association of both techniques in the quality of life of women with SUI in the post-menopausal. Methods: Twelve women were randomly divided into three groups: group A (GA), submitted to a treatment with pressure biofeedback, group B (GB), who received the BFE and group C (GC), submitted to the same procedure applied to GA, followed the procedure applied to GB. Results: There was improvement in quality of life in the three maintenance groups one month after the end of treatment. When comparing the techniques it was observed that the GC obtained better results. Conclusion: Pressure biofeedback, BFE and the association of both techniques, were effective in improving the participants' quality of life.
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