Additional characterization of Dome-C to improve its use as an invariant visible calibration target

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Dome-C is a recommended CEOS invariant target that has been utilized by the calibration community for several decades for monitoring onboard sensor calibration systems as well radiometric inter-comparisons. Dome-C is a highaltitude Earth target located on the East Antarctic interior plateau, which has a permanent bright, flat, and homogeneous snow-covered surface with little aerosol, cloud cover, snowfall, and water vapor burden. This paper describes angular directional models for characterizing the Dome-C top-of-atmosphere (TOA) radiances as a function of cosine solar zenith angle for pre-solstice and post-solstice conditions. The 0.86-μm channel Dome-C reflectance decreases over the summer due to snow metamorphosis is not observed by the visible channels. Coinciding Terra and Aqua MODIS Dome- C reflectance showed occasional inter-annual anomalies when compared against the deep convective cloud and Libya-4 invariant targets observations. Further characterization of the Dome-C reflectances with the Dome-C surface broadband albedo, Antarctic Oscillation (AAO) index, and ozone concentration values were evaluated. A strong correlation with ozone was found for the 0.55-μm and 0.65-μm MODIS channels. The monthly Dome-C reflectances were linearly regressed with ozone to derive the ozone correction coefficients. The uncertainty in the Aqua- and Terra-MODIS Dome- C trends was reduced by half after applying ozone corrections to both the 0.55-μm and 0.65-μm channel TOA observations.
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