Text messages to support e-cigarette use for smoking cessation: a tool for researchers

Qeios , Article W0GEL2. (2021)(2021)

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E-cigarettes are now the most popular quit aid chosen by smokers in England. Mobile phone text messages have been shown to be a useful tool in facilitating smoking cessation attempts by providing behaviour change support. To date, no published examples of text messages exist specifically aimed at smokers attempting to quit with e-cigarettes (vaping). As part of a parent study, we led an online call to vapers asking what advice and information they would give, in the form of a text message, to smokers wishing to quit smoking by vaping. We received 102 initial suggestions. Alongside behaviour change and smoking cessation experts, we checked the messages for readability and scientific accuracy, removed inappropriate messages, refined and edited others, and added additional messages. Messages were also grouped by theme and relevance to the stage of quitting. 95 messages were taken forward for further evaluation by 376 smokers, ex-smokers and vapers. Here we present the full set of 95 messages along with a final set of 78 that were selected and ordered for our parent study by two members of the research team along with four vapers. We encourage engagement with this resource and further validation from researchers interested in smoking cessation with e-cigarettes.
Smoking cessation,E-cigarettes
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