Impact of water and soil interaction on date quality of Deglet-Noor

Kaouther Debabeche, Mahmoud Debabeche,Ziane Laiadi

Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica(2021)

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Article Details: Received: 2020-11-29 | Accepted: 2021-03-11 | Available online: 2021-09-30 The vast area cultivated which includes a variety of environment, climate, and agricultural maintenance, can affect the quality of the crop also the literature about the export of dates shows that those produced in the municipality of Tolga offering an opportunity for a strong export. Therefore, the objective of this study is to show the impact of the physicochemical interaction of water and soil on the intraspecific variability of Deglet-Noor. So, we will try to study the quality of Deglet-Noor dates under three axes: phenotypic, physicochemical, and biochemical in five municipalities among which Tolga. Principal Component Analysis showed a wide spectrum of variation between water and soil conditions affecting date quality. Application of fertilizer in a very salty, moderately calcareous gypseous soil allowed to produce dates considered as a good whose phenotypical and physicochemical characteristics are ranked among the best (yield with 264 kg palm-1 including size 4.47 cm and weight of dates 13.69 g, and moisture content 25.99% and a good consistency 2.15); the application of fertilizer in a very salty highly calcareous, moderately gypseous soil enhanced fruit phenotypical and physicochemical characteristics (yield with 252 kg palm-1); the application of fertilizer in a very salty soil highly calcareous, loam type, of Sidi Okba make possible to present dates with improvements in physicochemical and biochemical characteristics (total soluble solids 70.95%, total sugars 71.68% including sucrose 41.44% levels); salinity in a moderately gypsum and calcareous of Ouled Djellel gave more or less a good biochemical level of dates (reducing sugars 30.62%). 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date quality,soil interaction,deglet-noor
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