Gender Relations in Europe and Central Asia : Results from the Life in Transition Survey Third

Nazli Aktakke,Meltem A. Aran, Ana Maria Munoz Boudet

Social Science Research Network(2019)

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This report presents a detailed gender analysis of the Life in Transition Survey Third (LITS Third), conducted in 2015-2016 in thirty-four countries of the Europe and Central Asia region. LITS is a unique dataset as it covers for the first-time issues related to asset ownership, care need in the household and gender norms. In addition, in a subset of the households that participated information was collected for both men and women allowing an analysis of gender intra-household dynamics. In total, over 51,000 respondents were covered in the survey. The results indicate that while gender relations, views, and women’s access and use of some opportunities have transitioned to more egalitarian ones, women still face challenges to fully participate in economic activity and have an equal say in household decision-making. Across all countries, women’s employment appears to be a main driver of greater quality across the domains analyzed in the report.
Intrahousehold Allocation
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