Breaking bad news in the oncologic population: Residents' perspective.


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e24113 Background: Delivering bad news to patients is a delicate but required skill for doctors as part of patient care. There has been evidence that good communication from health care providers can improve patients' compliance to treatment as well as be beneficial emotionally. While many studies have been done in regards to patients' perceptions of receiving bad news, there are limited studies looking at a physicians' perspective, and even more so concerning residents' perceptions. In community hospitals, many patients are diagnosed with cancer, and resident physicians are often responsible for informing the patients and their families regarding the diagnosis. The manner in which the news is delivered is important, however it is unclear how much training is provided to residents before they are required to break bad news to patients. The lack of training can often result in improper delivery and poor patient care. Methods: We surveyed Internal Medicine and General Surgery residents at Mercy Catholic Medical Center, a conglomeration of two community teaching hospitals in Philadelphia, about prior training, confidence level, attitudes, and need for further education on delivering bad news to oncologic patients using a survey created after extensive research. The factors associated with confidence level were analyzed using paired T-test and ANOVA methods. Results: A total of 65 residents (72%) participated. No statistical significance was seen between American versus foreign medical graduates, MD vs. DO residents, or among those in different specialties when assessing their confidence in delivering bad news. Though only 62% of participants reported having had prior training in delivering bad news, residents with previous training (p1) or who have had to deliver bad news previously (p2) reported higher confidence when it came to delivering a new diagnosis of cancer (p1 0.03, p2 0.001), delivering news regarding the progression of cancer (p1 0.03, p2 0.02), delivering news regarding the recurrence of cancer (p1 0.04, p2 0.002), and delivering news regarding end-stage cancer with little to no treatment options left (p1 0.04, p2 0.003). 100% of participants thought communicating bad news is an important skill for a physician, and 92% of participants thought further education would help prepare them for similar scenarios in the future. Simulated patient scenarios (64%), grand rounds lectures/presentations (59%), and feedback from faculty after actual patient scenarios (57%) were the most requested whereas pamphlets/brochures (17%) and online training courses (20%) were less popular. Conclusions: Our study highlights the importance of prior training or exposure among residents in being able to deliver bad news to patients effectively. We propose that implementing further training in the form of simulated scenarios and lectures can improve residents' confidence at delivering bad news and result in a better physician-patient relationship.
oncologic population,residents,bad news,breaking
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