Mudanças em projetos arquitetônicos e a financeirização do capital em Belém, PA

PARC Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção(2021)

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The purpose of this article is to analyze the mechanisms that link financial rationality and changes that occurred in the architectural design process of real estate projects in Belem, PA, after the sanction of the property heritage legislation in 2004. To do so, investigate the application of Target costing, using Value Analysis (AV), as an important technical basis for the development of Economic and Financial Viability. A theoretical review made leads to an analysis of the application of this methodology, as a basis for studies of architectural projects and understanding of the interference of the feasibility analysis in the setting up real estate projects. In addition, two projects built in similar locations and target groups are compared, but by companies with different capital origins, the first with local capital and another financial capital, both using Viabil software in the development of the architectural projects. The results show convergences between the studied projects, what suggests the absorption by the local capital company of innovation brought by the financial based companies.
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