Nutrient content, protein digestibility, and acceptability of substituting tempeh gembus nuggets with tilapia fish

Media Gizi Indonesia(2021)

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Nuggets are protein rich food that is widely; consumed in Indon esia because of its good taste and easy preparation. The substitution of tilapia fi sh in tempeh gembus nugget act as a healthy alternative composition which contain high protein, fi ber, but low in fat. Therefore, this research was aimed to det ermine the eff ect of substitution of tilapia fi sh on the nutrient content, protein digestibility, and acceptabili ty of tempeh gembus nuggets to obtain a formulation in accordance with the Daily Value (DV) 2150 kcal. A randomized ex perimental study was carried out on tilapia fi sh in substitution of 0%, 20%, 40%, 80%, and 100%. The protein, fat, carbohydrate, water, ash, and dietary fi ber content analysis were determined using the Kjeldahl, Soxhlet, carbohydr ate diff erence, gravimetric, dry ash, and enzymatic- gravimetric methods. Furthermore, the protein digestibility was conducted by in vitro method, while the organoleptic tests were determined using hedonic tests. The organoleptic dat a was statistically analysed using ANOVA and Friedman tests. The substitution of tilapia fi sh increased the content of protein, water, and dietary fi ber while decreasing fat, carbohydrates, ash, and protein digestibility. The most preferr ed tempeh gembus nugget formulation by panelists was 80% substitution treatment of tilapia fi sh. In conclusion, the recommended formulations are the substi tution of 40% and 80% of tilapia fi sh considering the nutrient content, protein digestibility and acceptability.
tempeh gembus,tilapia fish,nuggets,nutrient content,protein digestibility
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